Fujifilm showcases world premiere for CMOS image sensor in endoscopy at UEGW 2013 in Berlin

The Endoscopy Division of FUJIFILM Medical Systems Europe will showcase a number of advances at the occasion of the UEG week which will be held in Berlin from 12 to 16 October: at booth Nr. 4, Hall 17, the company will display a line-up of new products and will provide lectures on latest technological advances.

Fujifilm is proud to make use of the over-megapixel customised CMOS sensor. Our experience over many years in optoelectronics and electronic imaging shows the superior quality of this technology and we can expect that our customers will see the difference instantly’ says Kazuhiko Takemura, Head of European Endoscope Department, FUJIFILM Europe.

World Premiere: CMOS image sensor used in flexible endoscopy
The over megapixel CMOS image sensor is used in the new gastroscopy and colonoscopy systems EG-600WR and EC-600WM/WI/WL series. By adapting a CMOS image sensor, the new 600 series endoscopes enable super-high resolution images to be produced. The leading-edge CMOS technology realizes less noise and brilliant images by converting the analog signal to digital in the tip of the scope. During transmission the digital signal is much less affected by any noise from the outside. CMOS Technology also realizes 60 frame progressive video.

Close focus up to 2 mm and improved FICE image

The focus at the edges of an image has been improved, minimizing distortion in observation of a lumen. Through a combination with the megapixel CMOS image sensor, high performance optical system assists various observations ranging from close-up to distant views. Through higher resolution and improved noise reduction, FICE images are more sharp and clear than ever. It enables easier differentiation between lesion-affected and non-affected tissue.

Coloassist II for better insertion into the colon
By adopting ColoAssist II in EC-600WM/WI/WL both force and torque transmission have been improved. Compared to the previous type, gradual stiffness level has been adjusted: it is softer at the distal and harder at operating side, resulting in more efficient transmission.

Double Balloon Endoscopy: new horizons in therapeutic treatments in the small intestine
In 2004 double-balloon endoscopy allowed Fujifilm to turn a long-held dream into reality: the possibility of examining and treating the entire small intestine. The new Double Balloon Endoscope EN-580T is now added to Fujifilm’s line-up of double-balloon endoscopes which has greatly contributed to precise diagnosis and treatment for diseases of the small intestine. A large forceps channel of 3.2 mm provides greater suction performance. The integrated Super CCD sensor ensures vivid and high quality images. Used in combination with FICE the EN-580T enables easier differentiation between lesion-affected and non-affected areas. A newly designed one-touch connector and relocated balloon air feed inlet provides for better operability.

Symposium and booth lectures at UEG week
In addition to the product demonstrations at the booth, Fujifilm will host a Symposium on 14 October under the title ‘New horizons in GI screening and therapeutic endoscopy’.

In addition, booth lectures will be given at 10:35 -11:00, on 14th and 15th October 2013 dedicated to the first clinical experience with 600 series and BEACON needle.

About Fujifilm Medical Systems
Fujifilm is a pioneer in digital diagnostic imaging, and is expanding into the areas of preventive healthcare and treatment. The portfolio consists of Digital Imaging solutions for diagnostics, medical picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), computed radiography, digital radiography, digital mammography, dry imagers, x-ray film and screen, endoscopy systems, clinical chemistry analysers, ultrasound systems, and related equipment technical service as well as technical application support. For more information, please visit www.fujifilm.eu/medical.